New police officers' group to be introduced at Pride
by Courtney J. Jagoe
he was involuntarily transferred without explanation to the Fourth District after he began telling people that he was gay. When he looked for help, there was none.
Cleveland-This year's Pride festival will be the launch pad for a new organization being formed to benefit LGBT law enforcement professionals. The Ohio Lesbian Gay Police Association will have a booth at the festival where they will be sharing information about the group, taking donations, and signing up new members.
The association is being started by a group of lesbian and gay Cleveland Police officers led by self-proclaimed poster child Lieutenant Michael Dodge of the Fourth District. The need for such an organization became apparent to Dodge when
His employee's union told him that he was on his own; that the city had acted within their rights. The union president at the time however was not content to leave it at that and in the next contract, Roy Rich, who is now the commander of the Fourth District, got language introduced including sexual orientation into he non-discrimination clause. "Cleveland is a progressive department but it's time to take it to the next level. No one should ever have to go through
Big men and their admirers get together in two groups
by Bill Kammler
and Chris Arthur
Columbus-Large men and their admirers in Ohio are lucky-they've got two chapters of Girth and Mirth providing social events, one in Columbus and one in Cleveland.
Girth and Mirth is a social club for gay and bisexual large-framed men, bears, and the men who like them. Through meetings and events, Girth and Mirth offers a chance to meet new people, gain emotional support and build a positive self-image through close friendships in a fun, non-judgmental, nurturing environment.
In addition to a monthly bar night every third Saturday at Rockies bar, Girth and Mirth Cleveland offers other events throughout the month including potlucks, picnics, road trips, and movie nights. Check out the events page on if you are interested in coming to an event or meeting.
Girth and Mirth Cleveland would also like to let everyone know about next year's inaugural Northcoast Chub-Chaser-Bear Weekend, "Chubbies, Chasers, and Bears... Oh My!" It will be a weekend full of fun May 1114, 2006 hosted at the Wyndham Hotel on Playhouse Square. The weekend includes a Lake Erie cruise on the Nautica Queen, a private hotel pool party, 24-hour presidential hospitality suite and a sumptuous buffet banquet with best chub, chaser, and bear contest. Visit for more information.
Girth and Mirth Columbus gets together a
few times a month for a potluck social on the fourth Saturday of every month, to go out to eat, and for coffee every Friday night at Cup of Joe's in German Village. There are also occasional trips to the movies and a few special events a year such as bear or chub runs, fairs, festivals, or gay day at Kings Island.
The group has a fundraiser the fourth Friday of every month at Woofs bar, to do something that gives back to the community. The current charity is Project Open Hand Columbus.
Starting in 2005, Girth and Mirth of Columbus will be a sponsoring member of MidContinent Alliance in Oklahoma City in July. It is the premier event for big men and their admirers in the Midwest. We also participate in the River Bears run in Cincinnati in September, Gay Days at Kings Island and we do our annual Christmas party every December. We will be participating in Gay Pride in Columbus on June 25. We also have dinners for our members who have no where to go on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Find out what Girth and Mirth Columbus is up to by going to or by calling 614-846-3840; or drop an e-mail to for more information. For information about Girth and Mirth Cleveland or any group events e-mail or call the hotline at 216-556-0670.
Chris Arthur is the secretary of Girth and Mirth Cleveland. Bill Kammler is the president of Girth and Mirth of Columbus.
Bisexual Network reaches out online and in person
by Shelby Scanlon
Cleveland-June, that wonderful time when the air gets warmer, trees bloom and we start thinking of which preor post-Pride party is the best to hit. It's also a time of reflection, of where we are as a movement, where we've been in the past year, and where we are as an organization.
As a movement, the LGBT community made some great strides over the past few years, namely the continuing discussions and conclusions on marriage, the broadening of hate crime legislation in more cities and towns across the nation as well as the continued decisions to make sexual orientation a listed group in civil rights statutes. This past year, however, the community has suffered some temporary setbacks, anti-marriage amendments, violence and the attempt to de-legitimatize the courts when they rule for the law instead of for mob mentality.
But beyond the headlines and the 30-second grab for ratings on the nightly news, there are hard-working, dedicated people who show up every day to do the grueling work that takes us forward, one step at a time.
At the Cleveland Bisexual Network, we see our mission as doing that hard, day to day work, supporting others in our sister organi-
zations that do the same, and fostering a broad welcoming community where everyone has a place to belong.
This year, the Cleveland Bisexual Network is taking time to reflect on its mission, goals and where we want to see the organization in the future. We're not going anywhere. Our outreach both online and in person remains strong. Our monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center continue to grow. This past winter has seen a new quarterly east side group begin. The next meeting for the east side group is July 5, 6:30 pm at the Coventry branch library, 1925 Coventry Rd. at Euclid Hts. Blvd. in Cleveland Hts. Look for separate men's and women's groups in the coming year.
So, while we're regrouping, we're still here serving the community. Want to get involved in this effort? Contact the Cleveland Bisexual Network at, online at, or call the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center for the time of the next monthly meeting, at 216651-5428.
Shelby Scanlon is treasurer of the Cleveland Bisexual Network and BiNEOhio Yahoo group co-owner.
coming out alone, and that includes police," Dodge said.
The main objectives of the new organization will be to provide a support network for LGBT officers whether or not they are out, to reduce discrimination and prejudice by educating straight officers and supervisors, and to advocate for change including same-sex benefits and LGBT recruitment through lobby and other means.
Membership in the organization will be limited to LGBT persons who are past or present police officers, sheriffs or depu-
ties, or corrections officers. Members will have the option to remain anonymous. Persons who serve members such as counselors, attorneys, insurance providers, etc., will be eligible for associate membership. There will be a "friend of" classification for persons who don't qualify for voting membership but who otherwise want to support the organization.
Courtney J. Jagoe, a member of OLGPA, is an officer in the Cleveland Police Department's Fourth District.
Connection gives support to LGBT parents and children
by Jaime Bishop
Cleveland-Family by Design is a social support group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered parents and their children in the Greater Cleveland area. The group welcomes alternative families, as well as "wanna-bes," those who are exploring, or are in the process of, pursuing parenthood. Children come to group members through adoption, fostering and biology. Many families are multi-racial, headed by two parents, one parent and step-parents.
Family by Design was created in January 2004 to offer support, connection and information to LGBT families in the area. The founder and facilitator also helped to form Family Connection, an LGBT parents support group in the Kent/Akron area almost ten years ago.
The group currently has 35 families on its mailing list and is growing steadily. Children range in age from newborns to adolescents. The group meets approximately once a month at various locations.
Group outings have included picnics at the park, area museums, putt-putt golf, Chuck E Cheese, a hayride, the zoo and gatherings at the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center. This will be the second year the group has marched at Pride.
Social in nature, the group provides conversation, amusement, advice and suggestions from parents who have experienced many different paths with their families. We share many common parental concerns as well as concerns that are unique to LGBT families. There is regular and ongoing group communication, information and announcements through e-mail which keeps families informed of events.
Family by Design strongly believes that "Love is all it takes to make a family" and welcomes anyone interested in participating. Contact the group family by designclevelandohio
Jaime Bishop is the founder and facilitator of Family by Design.
For a portfolio of work, call Laurie at 216.536.1155 or e-mail
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